Monday, 1 June 2009

Long Run - 31st May

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Long Overdue Update

Originally uploaded by Whirlmeister

I've been very lax in updating this blog, and keeping you all updated with my training, so here comes two months of updates...

The picture above is me at the beginning of my training, about two weeks before I injured my right knee. That in turn lead to visits to doctors, a very helpful physiotherapist and strict orders not to run on it for at least a further two weeks. In all I think I set myself back over three weeks. Enough that I was very concerned I wouldn't be ready for the 10k.

Having said that, throughout my running downtime I continued to watch my food intake, and I found other ways to work on my cardo fitness so it wasn't a complete loss.

Once my knee was back up to scratch I worked my way back into running slowly. I based my running off a recommended 10k training regime from a Japanese 10k website. It seemed to involve a lot of interval training and not much else but who was I to argue with a professionally written training plan. I also joined the gym at work.

Unfortunately the program wasn't the best. I've discovered this through two sources. Firstly I've discovered KinEli Publishing (a small New Zealand based publishing house). Their books don't look up to much but they are filled with sensible advice and useful information. I've also taken on a personal trainer (Chris Corcoran) who's helped me work out a new customised plan.

This weekend I ran 5.5 miles (about 8.8km) on Sunday. I'm aiming to add at least a mile to this next week which will bring it well over 10k. This is also going to be my first week with hill training. So, anyway I've been working hard to get ready for the 10k which is now only 3 weeks away, and for the first time I feel fairly confident about it....